A 30-something with genetically missing teeth, impinging overbite, severely closed bite, 16 missing teeth, braces in 1986 & 2007, dental implants and three jaw surgeries undergoes 4th surgery. All these problems are due to an inherited AXIN2 genetic mutation.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 3

I woke up feeling kid of grumpy and down today. As soon as I woke up I felt that the swelling haad increased. I knew that it could continue to increase until days 5-6. But my throat had improved and I found it much easier to drink. So I drank quite a bit today. My mom got her around 12:30 and before and after that I found myself napping on and off most of the day. My nose is still running like crazy. Running down my still numb face. It's more bloody tinged instead of blood now. I spend most of the day wiping my face of drool and secretions and trying to get my nasal passages clear. I am not allowed to BLOW MY NOSE AT ALL. Drinking is so tiring because my lips are numb and my mouth is sort of numb, so it just runs all over you.

I paged the Resident today because my lower jaw is no longer sitting in the splint that is wired to my upper jaw. Tomorrow my mom will have to drive me in and they will have to adjust it; he promised it just be just minor, but it feels way off to me.

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