A 30-something with genetically missing teeth, impinging overbite, severely closed bite, 16 missing teeth, braces in 1986 & 2007, dental implants and three jaw surgeries undergoes 4th surgery. All these problems are due to an inherited AXIN2 genetic mutation.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 4

It is only Day 4? I thought it was later.
My nose is still terribly runny. It is an orange tinged mucus. WHEN IS IT GOING TO STOP? I'm still pretty numb, but my ears and under my chin ache. I drool constantly and between my leaky nose, numb lips, and drooling, I am going through lots of clothes and small towels as bibs. Lots of swelling. So much work to drink anything. The skin sluffed off my lips, painlessly. Some scabs left around my mouth. I'm using ice packs on and off, but they are destroyed from frequent use.

I don't' feel that hungry but have been drinking as much as I can. It is much easier with my throat not hurting, but still really difficult with numb lips. Nothing sounds that good. With increased caloric demands for healing, I should be around 2000 calories a day, I'm probably doing 400-600. I'm trying so hard! Usually have some blenderized soup, some protein drink, and then nothing after that sounds that good. Today my mom made me some blenderized rice cereal and I ate 4 synringes of that which was a LOT of effort, but still was only 100 calories of food.


  1. Are you able to add Beneprotein to everything? Maybe a nice chocolate milkshake made with whole milk and add some protein?

  2. That sounds awesome! Thanks for the suggestion.
