A 30-something with genetically missing teeth, impinging overbite, severely closed bite, 16 missing teeth, braces in 1986 & 2007, dental implants and three jaw surgeries undergoes 4th surgery. All these problems are due to an inherited AXIN2 genetic mutation.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Random stuff related to my surgery

* I finally tried the strawberry Myoplex drink today. Not too bad. Not too sweet, I don't like sweet tasting drinks.
* Tonight I had a bridal shower for a coworker and friend. Just not feeling up to snuff and I'm sad. She is so nice and I would love to celebrate with her.
* I'm a social cripple. I can't really drink in public, my talking is unintelligible to most, I drool, and I can't eat. What good am I?
* Still sleeping in the recliner. Getting really tired of it.
* I've certainly had enough of HGTV. It makes my house feel inadequate. Wish I could read, but my eyes still hurt because of that sinus pressure.
* I am stuck at 4 pounds lost since my surgery. I eat next to nothing! But apparently those smoothies are doing the trick to keep my weight steady. Hmmmph. I know the goal is not to lose weight and I am already a normal weight, but I did want to drop a little weight.
* It's difficult. Everyone asks how you are right after your surgery and now, everyone has forgotten about me. Seriously. I get texts from one friend (thanks Amy!), and visits from another (thanks Noreen!), and my neighbor stops by, but I'm lonely. I miss everyone.
* Since it is 58 degrees and currently not raining, I should go for a walk. But I'm tired today. Really tired.

1 comment:

  1. Hey hun...I'm thinking of you and commend you going through all this. (((hugs)))

