A 30-something with genetically missing teeth, impinging overbite, severely closed bite, 16 missing teeth, braces in 1986 & 2007, dental implants and three jaw surgeries undergoes 4th surgery. All these problems are due to an inherited AXIN2 genetic mutation.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 27 Happy Easter

I can't believe it is going on a month since my surgery. I'm doing much better overall, but still pretty tired due to low hemoglobin and low iron. SOme days I don't do much at all, as healing takes my entire allotment of energy for the day. Since it was the Easter weekend, my husband was off Good Friday and my daughter's school was closed. I needed to desperately get out so my husband took me out to lunch. We went to a new Mexican place in town. Now, my bands are quite loose, so I can open around one finger and I received the clearance to try soft foods. This is easier than it sounds. It is sooo tiring and time consuming trying to ingest anything but liquids.

Anyway, I was reading the menu and feeling so sorry for myself. Paul ordered for me (people can't really understand me- blame that splint!) refried beans, rice, cheese, and guacamole. Wow, was it good! It was the first meal I hadn't drank since my surgery. I had a small plastic toddler spoon in my bag that works much better than a large utensil and shoveled it in. It was just what I needed. When I was done however, there was food all over the table, my face, my "scarf" aka "towel bib" and my pants. There was an embarassment factor, but my sweet husband thought I did great! It was super difficult not eating any of the tortilla chips though :(

Here is a picture of me smiling. Like my "scarf"? It is a large cloth restaurant napkin I acquired somewhere.

In negative news, I think I am getting another sinus infection. I've been snuffing thick bunches of mucus out the back of my nose and spitting into Kleenex. I can't blow my nose still. That is the worst!!!!!! Fingers crossed that it is just minor allergies or something.


  1. Ha ha! I am cracking up at the thought of you and your table post-meal! That's awesome that you were finally able to get something non-liquid down! And it sounds like you've got a great supportive husband. Hope you don't have a sinus infection.

  2. Looking good! Glad you got a night out, even though it was a bit messy.

  3. Hi Jen! It looks like your surgery went well! It's also good to hear that you've started to try eating soft foods (good job at the restaurant with the bibs and baby spoon! I'll be sure to buy a baby spoon knowing that it helps with eating). I'll be getting my upper/lower jaw surgery in 16-18 months and I'm wondering what a splint is, and what it looks like!? Stay in high spirits! :)

  4. Waitingtosmile -
    It's a torture device! No actually, it is a plastic tray/mouthguard that is normally wired to your upper jaw for six weeks post surgery. Your upper jaw is usually banded to your lower jaw around it. It makes you drool, unable to talk well, and is quite uncomfortable.

  5. Hey, I'm here and reading I've just been terrible about commenting.

    I hope you had a good Easter!
