A 30-something with genetically missing teeth, impinging overbite, severely closed bite, 16 missing teeth, braces in 1986 & 2007, dental implants and three jaw surgeries undergoes 4th surgery. All these problems are due to an inherited AXIN2 genetic mutation.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 16 - two week check up

Today I DROVE MYSELF (my eyes hurt a lot during the drive) to Surgery Clinic 25 minutes away for my two week check up. I saw "my Resident" and he thought my swelling looked great. I saw my Surgeon and he thought I looked "outstanding". Everyone things my nose looks great! Apparently I did not receive a separate rhinoplasty, but they cut a small piece of cartilage under my nose during the surgery, which had the effect of pushing up my nose and changing the shape. My bite was slightly off to the left, but can be fixed with elastics, of which I received three new ones. We also took 2 week post surgery pictures. The sinus pain and light sensitivity I am experiencing is normal. I aksed when I could blow my nose and he said not for a while. I asked why, and he said that my sinsus cavities are full of stitches and I could blow them open with nose blowing. Okay, I'm convinced!

My Resident thought I should be off for another two weeks full time and then go back part time for two weeks. I tend to agree with that. But we will reevaluate that in two weeks when I return.

The good news is that I am allowed to chew soft things now - like eggs, pancakes, mashed potatoes. However, I can't open very wide with the bands and can't put them on myself due to the swelling and smallness of my mouth. Thus, I won't be soft chewing much. I tried to bite down on a few tiny specks of egg today, but it was like my mouth had absolutely no memory on how to chew and I had to spit them out. I guess I'll keep trying.

It's great not to feel miserable 24/7 again. But I'm a far, far cry from back to normal. But so glad my checkup was okay!

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